Refund Policy

We are offering refunds for our products and services, but they must satisfy certain criteria:

Card / Alipay transfer payments

Balance is only refundable in the case of an account being closed. If KYC verification is active but not completed, no funds will be returned even on account closing.

Cryptocurrency payments

Balance is only refundable in the case of an account being closed. If KYC verification is active but not completed, no funds will be returned even on account closing. Refunds are processed in 14 calendar days period.

Failure to deliver purchased products or services

In case we fail to deliver products or services that you purchase, you are entitled to get a full (100%) refund.

Refund for used-up services or products

Full refunds
If a proxy is bandwidth-limited, and no more than 20% of the bandwidth is used-up (based on the initial purchase order, and not the additional bandwidth purchase) – we will refund the full amount. Refund is applicable to a single proxy and not subsequent purchases.If a proxy is time-limited and currently active, we offer a full refund for 14 days after the initial purchase for cases including: Wrong country chosen, mistake purchase. After this period refund is not offered as the usage indicates the service is being provided properly.If a proxy is blocked by Firewall and the time after initial purchase is less than 7 days we offer a full refund. After this period refund is not offered as the usage indicates the service is being provided properly. 1 day and 1 week static residential and datacenter proxies are not refundable.
Partial refunds
In cases where proxy stops working due to system issues you are eligible for a partial refund of remaining time.
Service extends
In cases where proxy stops working for extended periods of time( 24h+) And the issue is confirmed from our side - You are eligible for your proxy to get extended by the amount of days it was offline.

Technical competency

Please note, that in case of lack of competence or ability to properly use the service, we are not responsible for the education of clients, developers, or any other third parties. Therefore we do not offer a refund.


Please note that we do not take any responsibility for the incompatibility of our products or services with third-party software, namely: scripts, extensions, add-ons, plug-ins, video games and so on. In case of abuse in such a manner, any refund/return/exchange request will be declined. We do not ensure or guarantee that our products work flawlessly compatibility-wise with any third-party application, as well as support for applications as such is not provided.Before purchasing a proxy, make sure to inform the Customer Support representative about the possible use cases. Our Customer Support team is eager to assist you before, during, and after your purchase. We will help you choose the best solution for your use case.Proxy-Cheap retains the right to investigate each and every refund request. In the case where a product or service was abused or used for malicious practices, a refund will be declined.

Proxy abuse

In cases where proxy is/has been used on websites like: Survey, gambling, dating etc. Proxy-Cheap retains the right to disable proxy without any prior notice and no refund will be given.

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