
Buy 5G/4G/3G/LTE Mobile Proxies - Fast & Cheap Mobile IPs

Gain access to resources and secure dynamic online anonymity with mobile proxy lists. When you buy mobile proxies from Proxy-Cheap, you get to mimic connections from a mobile device in a different location. You also get to enjoy:
Access to a mobile proxy network of 5M+ addresses
Affordable mobile proxy plans
Dynamic IP rotation between mobile IPs
HTTPS and SOCKS5 support
Country-level targeting and geographic accuracy

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Proxy-Cheap Mobile Proxy Features

At Proxy-Cheap, we have an unwavering commitment to providing users with these best available proxies. This is no different with our mobile proxies. They are sourced ethically and updated regularly to ensure security and reliability. Here are other features you stand to enjoy if you purchase a mobile proxy from us today.

Large IP Pool

Our mobile proxy network and mobile IP pools cover 100+ countries and are equipped with dynamic IP rotation that mimics the real-life behaviour of constantly moving mobile device users.

Protocol-specific Proxies

Our mobile proxies work with and support HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS5 protocols, ensuring that users can apply them securely for a wide range of tasks.

Comprehensive Geolocation Options

Our mobile IPs allow for accurate country-level specificity.

IPv4 Compatibility

Our mobile proxies offer are compatible with IPv4 addresses, making them ideal for the vast majority of sites.

Secure IP Authentication methods

We offer authentication to help secure your proxies. Our mobile proxies have IP-based authentication to control access.

24/7 Customer Support Availability

Using mobile proxies from Proxy-Cheap guarantees that there is always a dedicated customer support team on hand to assist you in times of difficulty.


Most Popular

50 GB

per GB

100+ countries

Save 40%

200 GB

per GB

100+ countries

Most Popular

1 GB

per GB

100+ countries

SSL Secure Payment

Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL

Mobile Proxies Use Cases

Proxy-Cheap's proxy solutions empower businesses and catalyze success for individuals across various sectors and industries

E-commerce Price Monitoring

Mobile proxies allow businesses to scrape and monitor e-commerce websites for dynamic pricing or region-specific offers. Using real mobile IPs ensures that the data collected reflects what actual mobile users see, avoiding detection and blocks.

Anonymous Browsing

Mobile proxies are excellent for anonymous browsing, but their dynamic IP rotation provides an added advantage. By cycling through real mobile IPs, they enhance privacy, mask user identity, and effectively bypass IP tracking and blocking mechanisms.

Social Media Management

Mobile proxies are highly useful for supporting automated tools in social media management. This is particularly valuable for marketers managing multiple social media accounts for businesses, ensuring compliance with platform guidelines while boosting engagement.

How Others Use
Residential Proxies

Account Management

Create and manage accounts of multiple social media accounts on different social media sites

Web Scraping Projects

Bypass anti-scraping mechanisms on websites due to their dynamic mobile IPs

Ad Verification

Facilitate geographically accurate ad verification and monitoring

Region-Locked Access

Facilitate geographically accurate ad verification and monitoring

Search Engine Optimization

Avoid IP bans during international SEO

Market Research

Avoid IP bans during international market research

Test software

Testing mobile apps to determine functionality and identify potential issues

Customer Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

What are mobile proxies?

What are the benefits of using Mobile proxies?

What are the main uses of mobile proxies?

How can I set up a mobile proxy?

What exactly is a 4G mobile proxy?

How do 4G proxies differ from residential proxies?

Is using proxies legal?

Are free mobile proxies safe to use?

What’s the difference between 3G, 4G, 5G, and LTE proxies?