All our proxy servers provide best-in-class anonymity from malicious cyber threats. We offer mobile and residential IPs for clients seeking elite anonymity.
Our proxies deliver fast connection speeds, quick downloads, and unmatched reliability. They support bandwidth speeds of up to 100 Mbps and allow up to 100 concurrent tasks.
When you buy paid premium proxies from us, you can be assured of complete data privacy. We do not log, collect, or trade user data.
Our proxies are both high-quality and affordable. We offer flexible plans to accommodate various budgets and support scaling.
Our customers can connect through proxies in numerous regions. With extensive location coverage, our services span over 120 countries with more than 10 million IP addresses.
Our team is highly regarded for providing quality technical assistance and self-service advice to clients across various channels, 24/7.
Ideal for long-term use. These real IP addresses for business start at just $1.99 by buying a cheap proxy. Ensure the stability and reliability of your online activities.
Choose IPv4 data center IP addresses at $1.13 per proxy. It will provide high performance and versatility for your online endeavors.
Leverage IPv6 with our IP addresses for data centers at an affordable price. From as little as $0.30 per proxy. It is perfect for those looking for high-speed connections.
Our pool of ethically sourced and dynamically rotated resident proxies is priced from $2.99 per GB, providing constant access to fresh and diverse IP addresses.
Experience the power of real peer-to-peer 5G/4G/3G/LTE mobile networks with plans starting at $3.99 per GB. It is ideal for mobile-centric applications and tasks.
Paid proxy servers help their users scale web scraping and efficiently collect public data from sites without triggering anti-scraping measures.
Businesses use these eproxy servers to confirm that their ads are displayed correctly and in the right places.
Paid proxy servers are the most reliable providers of access to otherwise geo-restricted and censored content. They allow users to surf the web while evading trackers.
Businesses use proxies to collect relevant regionalized secondary data from other locations in order to inform their market and product research efforts.
Paid proxies facilitate the creation and management of multiple profiles by social media account managers.
Create and manage accounts of multiple social media accounts on different social media sites
Bypass anti-scraping mechanisms on websites due to their dynamic mobile IPs
Facilitate geographically accurate ad verification and monitoring
Facilitate geographically accurate ad verification and monitoring
Avoid IP bans during international SEO
Avoid IP bans during international market research
Testing mobile apps to determine functionality and identify potential issues
A paid proxy server is a service for which individuals or businesses pay to obtain IP addresses. These servers act as intermediaries, allowing users to route their traffic through them. This replaces the user’s original IP address with that of the server, providing anonymity for the user’s internet activity. Customers can then use the IP address to access geo-restricted content and enhance online security.
No, a VPN is not the same as a proxy server. While both reroute internet traffic, VPNs encrypt data, protecting transmissions but resulting in slower speeds compared to proxies. VPNs also typically offer fewer server addresses, supported regions, and limited bandwidth. However, the encrypted tunnel provided by a VPN makes it a more secure option for protecting online information. Testing both tools through a free trial can offer helpful insights for comparison.
Using a free proxy server carries security, performance, and privacy risks. Most free proxies are publicly accessible and shared by numerous users, causing individual activities to overlap and interfere with each other. Privacy risks arise if developers log and sell user data and IP information to third parties. Performance issues also stem from poor maintenance practices and overcrowding on the proxies.
No, proxy servers are legal to use. However, they are simply tools, and the legality depends on how they are used. Generally, there are no issues with using them to scrape public data. However, scraping private information from a site or using a proxy in regions where it is restricted may constitute a legal violation. It is advisable to check regional laws, review website terms of service, and verify legality beforehand.
Yes, paid proxy servers are generally safe and secure, especially when compared to free proxies. However, the level of security depends on the provider's reputation and reliability. A reputable provider is more likely to prioritize user safety, security, and privacy. Reviewing customer feedback carefully before making a purchase can help verify the provider's reputation.
Yes, your IP address can potentially be tracked even when using a proxy server, particularly if the proxy is unreliable. Using mobile and residential IPs can provide more anonymity in this regard. Additionally, the service vendor may know your IP and could log and monitor your activity.
Free proxy servers often generate revenue by displaying ads, offering paid upgrades to premium services, or selling client data to third parties. The sale of user data and ad displays are generally unappealing to customers. However, upgrading to a premium service for a fee means the proxy is not technically free but a paid tool offering a trial.
Yes, you can create your own proxy server if you want your requests to originate from a different IP address. You would need specific applications to source IPs or programs to assist with hosting. With this setup, you can have access to a theoretically unlimited number of private residential and datacenter proxies.
Proxy-Cheap proxies are some of the least expensive on the market, with some costing as little as $0.30. Generally, from most to least expensive, the order is mobile proxies, residential proxies, ISP proxies, and datacenter proxies.
The best proxy server to purchase depends on your specific needs and budget. From most anonymous to least anonymous, the order is mobile, residential, ISP, and datacenter proxies. In terms of speed and performance, the order is datacenter, ISP, mobile, and residential proxies. However, factors such as the quality of IP addresses and the reliability of the sources (ISPs and datacenters) also play a significant role.
At Proxy-Cheap, we accept wire transfers, credit cards, cryptocurrencies, Alipay, and PayPal.
Yes, you can often cancel and receive a refund, depending on the refund policy of the proxy server providers. Proxy-Cheap allows authorizes refunds for clients that meet certain preset criteria. You can read the Proxy-Cheap refund criteria and policy to better inform yourself.