
Buy SOCKS5 Proxies - Residential, Datacenter and Mobile IPs

Browse anonymously, bypass geo-restrictions, and scrape data effectively with fast SOCKS5 proxies. Here are some reasons to buy SOCKS5 proxies from Proxy-Cheap:
Faster connection and download speeds
Broader range of applications
Authentication methods and enhanced security support
Availability of mobile, residential, and datacenter proxies

Top SOCKS5 Proxy Server Locations

Proxies are beneficial for many purposes, including web scraping, accessing geo-restricted content, and facilitating market research. However, some or all of these uses may require proxies to mimic connections from specific locations. Regardless of the proxy type—whether residential or datacenter proxies—or the SOCKS5 proxy in use, we have you covered. Here are our top locations by usage.
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Proxy-Cheap SOCKS5 Proxy Features

High performance, quick response times for real-time tasks, and even higher speeds are some of the advantages associated with using SOCKS proxies. SOCKS5 proxies extend these advantages over other proxy types. Here are specific features of our SOCKS5 proxies that make us a market leader:

Large IP Best-in-Class AnonymityPool

All our SOCKS5 proxies are regularly updated and maintained to ensure optimal online privacy.

Top-Tier Download Speeds

Our SOCKS5 proxies connect quickly with minimal latency, providing top-tier download speeds.

Support for TCP/UDP Protocols

Our SOCKS5 proxies support both UDP and TCP connections, enabling broader application support and compatibility and enhanced performance beyond basic web browsing.

Different Types of Proxies

We offer SOCKS5 proxies for various proxy types and IP addresses, including mobile, datacenter, and residential proxies.

Respect for User Data and Privacy

Our SOCKS5 proxies do not log user data, ensuring that your personal information remains secure with us.

Compatibility with Different Applications

Proxy-Cheap SOCKS5 proxies are available across a wide range of devices, applications, and uses, including browsers, torrent clients, live calls, video streaming platforms, etc.


At Proxy-Cheap, we offer various types of SOCKS5 proxy servers. All proxy plans include unlimited threads, SOCKS support, and flexible pricing options designed to provide users with maximum value. Our offerings include

What is a SOCKS5 Proxy?

A SOCKS proxy is an intermediary server that uses the Socket Secure protocol to route traffic between a client and the destination server of a website. It performs the fundamental proxy function of hiding the user's real IP address and bypassing geo-restrictions. Importantly, it operates at layer 5 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and can handle various types of internet requests.

There are two types of SOCKS proxies: SOCKS4 and SOCKS5. SOCKS5 is an upgrade over SOCKS4, offering additional features such as authentication options, support for both UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), and compatibility with the newer IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6).

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does SOCKS5 hide your IP?

What is a SOCKS5 rotating proxy?

How much do unlimited SOCKS5 proxies cost?

Is SOCKS5 better than a VPN?

What’s the difference between SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies?

How do I set up a mobile SOCKS5 proxy on my device?